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Pruett Carter Art Beer Ad 1956


Pruett Carter Art Beer Ad from March 19, 1956 Life magazine.


Pruett Carter Art Beer Ad 1956Full color 10″ x 13″ ad for the popularity of Beer. There is a picture drawn by Pruett Carter which is listed as Number 118 in the Series “Home Life in America” shows two couples sitting in a living room drinking beer and going over color swatches that explain why houses from the ’50s all had to be redecorated. The ad headline asks “When the neighbors drop over – What makes a glass of beer taste so good? Almost overnight we’ve become a nation of carpenters, decorators, painters. Showing off the latest family “project” to friends and neighbors has become a familiar part of family life – just as typical and “right” as the mellow glass of beer or ale served when guests arrive. Traditionally, beer blends right in with our friendly, informal pattern of leisure living. Because of its tangy, distinctive taste – a product of our country’s finest malt barley, brewed with flavorful hops – beer is our national “beverage of moderation”…served and enjoyed in most American homes”.

Source:  March 19, 1956 Life magazine.