Post Ad September 1957


Post Ad from September 23, 1957 Life magazine.

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Post Ad September 1957Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad for their Post Toasties Corn Flakes. There is a drawing done by Dick Sargent of the beginning of a rainy day. The front door of a house has been slightly opened so that the smiling man still in his pajamas and holding onto his opened box of Post Toasties can reach safely out and grab the morning paper before it becomes too wet. His dog is standing on the threshold considering how bad he has to go out and, since he is not going to receive any Post cereal, his tail is not wagging. The headline explains the smile on the man’s face by saying that “Any corn flakes start the day bright…as long as they’re Post Toasties. The ad text, taking a clue from the the picture, calls this cereal “Right as Rain – Bright as Sunshine”.

Source:  September 23, 1957 Life magazine.