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Popular Photography Magazine 1982 May


Popular Photography Magazine 1982 May


Contents:  Special Report: PMA ’82 – Wheel Of Fortune; SLRs And Their Lenses; A 35-mm Interchangeable-Cassette Camera?; Autofocus; What Photo Experts Are Saying About The Disc; First Non-Kodak Disk Cameras; Lenses; Electronic Flash; Darkroom; Accessories; Compact 35s; Still Projection; Movie Equipment; Video; Imaging Materials: Film And Electronics; Pro Gear; Nimato 3-D System Launched Photography Today – Sony Demonstrates Mavica Color Printer (It turns out dry, wallet-sized pictures without a darkroom); How To Make Good Pictures In Bad Light (Neither rain nor night shall stay your camera from making great photos); A Rocky Mountain Spring (Bob Saltzman uses macrophotography to bring out glorious colors of western flowers); Clio-Out Guide: Printing With Fiber-Base Papers (How to process, wash and dry fiber base prints) Departments – Letters To The Editor; Editorial; Critical Focus (You need to know what auto cameras do); Shoptalk (ABCs of autofocus systems); Viewpoint (Adams’ 80th birthday widely observed); The Gadgeteria (Simple cameras still need you); Video/Movie Methods (Wireless mikes); Tools & Techniques (#5 contrast paper); Shows We’ve Seen; As I See It (Kodak on preservation); The Color Darkroom (How to get good color in prints); Help!; Pop Photo Snapshots; Aids To Better Photography; Index Of Advertisers

Issue:  May 1982

Condition:  Very Good