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Popular Photography Magazine 1982 July


Popular Photography Magazine 1982 July


Contents:  Photography Today – Looking For Bang Bang (Are the results of war photography today really worth the risks?); The Fantastic World Of Yoshihiro Tatsuki! (New color work explores women in hauntingly enigmatic images); Soda-Pop Art (Alan Porter captures a bit of American nostalgia in his photographs of soft-drink signs); Paradise By Moonlight (Hawaiian seascapes look even better after dark); Stopping Motion: The Basics (To blur or not to blur is a key esthetic decision. Here are the factors involved); How To Plot For Video (Plan ahead and save yourself a lot of time and wasted effort) Equipment & Materials – Ektaflex Slide-Printing Film Is Here (Positive-to-positive material expands Kodak’s diffusion-transfer system); First Look: Sima SF Lens; Polaroid’s Autoprocessed Slide Film: It Works With Any 35-mm Camera; Programmed Exposure SLRs: Are They For You? (Here’s what eight such SLRs can do for the serious photographer); First Look: Elmo F20S-XL; Lab Report: Two Tamron Zoom Lenses Departments – Letters To The Editor; Editorial; Critical Focus (Print prices are dropping); Offbeat (Tips for making good portraits); Photo-Electronics (Reasons for owning a flash meter); Video/Movie Methods (Battle of the disks); Books (Cults and cultures – five new books); The Color Darkroom (Yes, you can make color prints); Shows We’ve Seen; Traveler’s Camera (Gadgets to take on the road); Shoptalk (Mix ‘n’ match autofocus SLRs?); The Gadgeteria (Handy guides to exposure data); Markets & Careers (Hellweg on the road); Tools & Techniques (New b&w film box); Pop Photo Snapshots; Help!; Aids To Better Photography; Workshops; Index Of Advertisers; Just Out

Issue:  July 1982

Condition:  Very Good