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Popular Photography Magazine 1966 March


Popular Photography Magazine 1966 March


Contents:  Photography Today – The Third War Of Horst Faas (In the thick of battle, with a survivor); The New War Photographers (There’s room for you, if you can cut the mustard); Novelist Henry Miller (“I prefer to carry the image in my mind”); Shoot Low With 35 (Eyelevel is wherever you put your eye); Picture Profile: The Ship’s Photographer (Over the bounding main with Harold Schmidt); Why You Should Forget Lens Testing (-because you couldn’t do it right anyway); Joe Weitz (Another art director joins the ranks); How To Put The Grand Canyon In A Studio (…and you don’t even have to lift it); How To Get The Most Out Of The Ektachromes (First, put the film in the camera); The Great Stop-Bath Squabble (You thought it made a difference?); The Hattersley Class: Photographing Food (Wait – before you scramble those eggs); Brave Souls Name “World’s Best Photographer” (You could – but would you talk about it?); How To Save Water In The Darkroom (Don’t drink any, and…) Equipment And Materials – The Camera That Thinks It’s A Duck (Nikonos goes where you go…glub, glub…); Test Reports: (Ultrablitz Matador 400 Electronic Flash; Spiralite Monopak Electronic Flash; Coronet 220 Electronic Flash; 8 x 10 Calumet Camera; Sinarsix Spot-Reading CdS Meter; Atlas-Warner Slide Viewer; Two Minolta Fast-Loading Cameras – Autopak 700 and 24 Rapid; Taisei-Rokumar 95- to 200-mm and 200- to 400-mm Zoom Lenses); A Buyer’s Guide To Tape (Sound For Shows); Pictures By Invisible “Light” (A new camera from Honeywell Pentax…) Movies – How Did They Make That Commercial? (Driving without visible means of support); Leonard Lipton’s Movie Report: Good Tools Pay For Themselves (A round-up of some that will); Guide To The New Super 8 Editors (With tips on how to select one); Test Reports (Eumig Viennette Camera; Argus 814 Camera; Keystone K-620 Camera; Kodak Instamatic M50 Projector) Departments – Letters To The Editor (Our readers speak out); Newsfront (Latest reports from the photo world); How New Or Improved? (Color Clinic); A Look At Some Old Letters; The Posed/Unposed Controversy; Help! (Our readers want to know); The Ultimate Black And White (In the darkroom); When Is f/8 Not f/8? * Color’s Fourth Dimension * Rowland’s Little Lenses * New Darkroom Flashlight * Movies By The Pound * Retailing, New Style; A Sound, Photo Tour (Travel); Animation And Getting Into The Mood For Pictures; Blue Bulbs O.K. For B&W Too (Tools and techniques); Product Listings (Just out); Aids To Better Photography (Information for the writing); The Catfish-Eating Society (Editorial); Good Show In The Ivy League (Critics at-large); Canada * Abstract Pictures On Film; POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY‘s Travel Service; Advertisers’ Index; I Want To Buy

Issue:  March 1966

Condition:  Very Good