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Popular Photography Magazine 1966 December


Popular Photography Magazine 1966 December


Contents:  Special Bonus Directory – Section III – 1967 Photography Directory & Buying Guide (See page 135 for complete table of contents); 2 C Close-Up & Copying Equipment, 6 C – Tripods, 9 C – Still & Movie Films; 19 C – Enlargers; 27 C – Developers; 29 C – Aids To Better Photography; 30 C – Manufacturers & Distributors Addresses; 32 C – Equipment Inbox Photography Today – The Hattersley Class (How to make a left turn off the beaten path); The Great American Wedding (World’s Press was on hand August 6 when Luci Baines Wed Patrick Nugent; “How’d you like life, look, and Paris match to do your wedding album?; The back of the car should have read “Just Photographed”); The Violent, Gentle World Of D.D. Duncan (A life on the feont lines of history); Critic’s Choice: Charles Pratt (Does this picture cow you?); Good Subject, Good Idea (Bring something along besides your camera); “…A Great Unknown Photographer” – W. Eugene Smith (…comes a little closer into focus) Equipment And Materials – Test Results (Minolta SR-T 101: Split-field Reflex Metering 35 camera; P-R-O Three-Way Electronic Flash; Miranda Cadius II Exposure Meter: Dual Angle Plus Reflex Finder; Melico Enlarger Meter: Electronic Spot Probe Gauges Print Exposures); Beseler’s Motorized Marvel (Even fine focusing is automated with this enlarger); Two Heads Are Better Than One…(Turn a knob for variable contrast printing); Zooms For Skeptics (The case for moving in and out with ease); “Boldest Step In Metering:” Luna Goes Five-Way Modular (Snap, and the meter does a different job) Movies – Are These Films Offensive? Al Capp vs. Wellesley (Li’l Abner might have been shocked); Single 8 Grows Up (Get fades and dissolves with the Fujica Z-2); Test Report (Nizo SB-T 8-to-1 Power Zoom camera) Departments – Letters To The Editor (Our readers write us); Gowland’s L.A. Scene (A new breed of Society Photographer); Newsfront (Latest reports from the Photo World); Color Clinic (Slide popping (Addenda)); Tools & Techniques (Bleaching and etching prints); Viewpoint (Elsie does a book); Hanson/Rothschild/Pierce: Photo Treat (The Lowered Cost Of Bent Light; Dial-A-Blur Lens; Here’s How, By Whom; New/Old Easy Loading; Easy On The Eyes; Moonlighting With A Camera; Faster E. German Lenses; Laws Are Made…; Now It’a A Tripod System; Why The Lens Was Born; New Nikon Polaroid Land Back; Products Seen At PPA Show; Solid-State Pacifier); New Books, In Brief (Instant reviews, favorable and otherwise); In The Darkroom (Two best sellers & a Temperature Regulator); Travel (Speaking up for Pisac); Editorial (Right? Right!); POPULAR PHOTOGRAPHY‘s Travel Service; Advertisers’ Index; I Want To Buy…(…and where can I get it?)

Issue:  December 1966

Condition:  Very Good