Popular Mechanics Magazine 1962 March


Popular Mechanics Magazine 1962 March

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Contents:  Driving Chrysler’s 1963 Gas-Turbine Cars; Owners Report On The Chevy II; Owners Report On The Rambler Classic; Our First Moon Trip; Detroit, Where Are These Old-Time “Touches”?; Mounties Without Mounts; PM Shopping Guide: Tape Recorders; The Old Warbirds Are Still Flying; Your Life Preserver; Bitter Battle Of The Waterways; Start Your Vacation Home At Home – Part II; Building The PM Jet – Part I For The Craftsman – Make Your Own Banjo; Winking-Eye Clown Radio; Completing The Triple-Top Fun Table; Power Tower; Dual-Purpose Table Stores Guest Bed; Appliance Fix-It File: Electric Iron; Battery And Starter Checks; Coil Winder Counts The Turns Departments – Over The Editor’s Desk; Sidelights On Aviation; Spotlight On The Rolls-Royce; Items From All Outdoors; Science Overseas; Pentagon Sidelights; Worth Writing For; Tune In On The Inventors; Science Bulletins; Shopping For Tools; Detroit Listening Post; What’s New For Your Home; Solving Home Problems; Better Car-keeping; Clinic For Homeowners; On The Market

Issue:  March 1962

Condition:  Very Good