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Popular Electronics Magazine 1967 March


Popular Electronics Magazine 1967 March


Contents:  Special Construction Feature – The Supertrol (Use this function generator as your electronic right-hand) Feature Articles – “Mule Box” (A “legal” means of increasing talk power output of a CB rig); Taming Your TV Tuner (Easy steps to better TV reception); “Campers Cuzzin” (Portable converter enables BCB receiver to tune 75-80 meter ham bands); Stamp Out Auto Theft (Delayed alarm circuit is the secret of this project); Information Central (Another batch of questions and answers bites the dust); “Two-By-Two” Stereo Preamplifier (Solid-state stereo preamp matches “Brute 70” power amplifier); “Mixed Twelve” Speaker System (The 1967 version of “Sweet Sixteen” featuring mix/match speakers); Solid State; On The Citizens Band (GRS delegates convene); Foreign-Language Broadcasts To North America; Short-Wave Listening (BBC verification policies); English-Language Broadcasts To North America; Amateur Radio (Thumbnail review of TR-108 two-meter transceiver); Just When I Forgot My (Soldering) Gun: Sequel 4 (Puns are taking over – should this column be called “Neper More”?; Short-Wave Monitor Certificate Application Departments – Letters From Our Readers; Tips & Techniques; Reader Service Page; New Products; Electronics Library; HAM Radio Clearinghouse; Operation Assist

Issue:  March 1967

Condition:  Very Good