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Popular Electronics Magazine 1967 January


Popular Electronics Magazine 1967 January


Contents:  Special Construction Feature – IC-67 Metal Locator (Professional, precision, highly-sensitive, deep-type – and reliable, too) Feature Articles – Communications Mystique; Carrier-Current Remote-Control System (Put a signal into an outlet to switch your appliances); CB Radio Call-Monitor (Simple device listens to all calls but “hears” only yours); “Trans-Vox” (No-hands operation…your voice turns equipment on and off); Zero-Beating The News; “Magic” Motor (Magnetic armature motivates weird objects); VOM Range Splitter (Plug-in voltage expander for multimeters); Heterodyne Vegetation Meter; Sequence-Operated Lock (Foolproof and tamperproof…but don’t forget the combination); “Multi-Master” (Pocket-sized multi-purpose test instrument); Solid State; English-Language Broadcasts To North America; Short-Wave Listening (International Telecommunications Union lags); Broadcasts From Asia And Oceania; On The Citizens Band (The walkie-talkie dilemma); Amateur Radio (Transmitter power vs. communications range); Power Supply Identification Quiz; “Fuzzbox” For Under $3 (Gives your guitar that big, piercing sound); Short-Wave Monitor Certificate Application Departments – Letters From Our Readers; Out Of Tune; Tips & Techniques; Reader Service Page; Electronics Library; New Products; New Literature; HAM Hobby Clearinghouse; Operation Assist

Issue:  January 1967

Condition:  Very Good