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Popular Electronics Magazine 1966 September


Popular Electronics Magazine 1966 September


Contents:  Special TV Features – The Colorful History Of Color TV (It took four decades for colot TV to make the scene); Will CATV Revolutionize Your Viewing Habits? (Fast growing public utility promises more channels, better reception) Electronic Construction Projects – Update To Solid State (Don’t wait for warm up – get instant play all the way); The Little Honker (Small, but a powerhouse of an electronic horn); Long-Tailed Phase Inverter (Unusual padding smooths out performance of hi-fi speaker system); New! Statis-Free Thermistorized Aquarium Heater (Even the fish can’t hear it go on) Communications – Amateur Radio (Certificate chasing); English-Language Broadcasts To North America; Short-Wave Listening (International DX programs); On The Citizens Band (Canadian CB’er takes a stand); Short-Wave Monitor Certificate Application; DX Countries Awards Presented Electronic Features And New Developments – Build A Handful Of Power; The CRT Slaves; Cutoff/Saturation Quiz; Zero-Beating The News; The War On Skating (Does tone arm skating create distortion? The experts answer); Solid State; Just When I Forgot My (Soldering) Gun: Sequel 1; U.F.O.s or “Kugelblitz”; TV Color Bar Generators Coming Up! Departments – Letters From Our Readers; Out Of Tune; Tips & Techniques; New Products; Electronics Library; New Literature; Operation Assist

Issue:  September 1966

Condition:  Very Good