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Popular Electronics Magazine 1966 October


Popular Electronics Magazine 1966 October


Contents:  Special Construction Feature – Time-Signal-Only Receiver (Pocket-sized unit is permanently tuned to either CHU or WWV) Feature Articles – Careers In Electronics (Results of POPULAR ELECTRONICS survey of the job market); Integrated Circuits – What Are They? (Circuits so small you need tweezers to pick them up); Integrated Circuit Amplifier You Can Build For Under $6 (Work with IC’s today and be ready for tomorrow); Voltage Divider Quiz; Build Hi-Fi Amplifier For Solid-State Phono Cartridge (Stereo hi-fi with two transistors); From Out Of The Past; Zero-Beating The News; The Impossible Circuit; Build An 80/40 Meter Bandswitching Vertical; What Are These Things Called Decibels? (What they are, and without math, too); The Impossible Circuit Made Possible; Unpopular Electronics; Reflexometer Reflections; Solid State; Build A Stick-Shift Electric Shaver; Amateur Radio (Thumbnail review of “Duo-Bander 84” SSB transceiver); On The Citizens Band (The CB image); Broadcasts From Africa And Middle East; Short-Wave Listening (IRC’s not valid in some countries); English-Language Broadcasts To North America; Build A Hip Squawk Box; DX Provinces Awards Presented Departments – Letters From Our Readers; Tips & Techniques; Reader Service Page; New Products; Electronics Library; New Literature; Operation Assist

Issue:  October 1966

Condition:  Very Good