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Popular Electronics Magazine 1966 December


Popular Electronics Magazine 1966 December


Contents:  Science Fair Projects – The Logic Demon (Getting to know NOR, NAND, and some other gates); Want To Build An Integrated Circuit Binary Counter? (Visual demonstrator of how binary addition works); Tesla’s Thermomagnetic Motor (Curie temperature effects produce reciprocal motion) Feature Articles – The “Scrounge” – An Instant “J” Antenna; Build The Emitter Dipper (Solid-state battery-operated wide-range test instrument for all experimenters); St. Petersburg Tapers Go Back To School; Small Tape Recorders (You can do more than whistle into these inexpensive jobs); Solderless Breadboard; “Relaxatrol” To Automate Your Slide Projector; All On Quarter-Inch Mylar; How To Conduct An Interview With A Tape Recorder (Stenos now push-buttons instead of pencils); Parlor Game; A Tape Recorder Kit – Deluxe (New recorder can be built in less than 18 hours); Zero-Beating The News; Just When I Forgot My (Soldering) Gun: Sequel 3; Bridge Circuit Quiz; Solid State; Amateur Radio (Getting the most from your dipole or beam antenna); On The Citizens Band (CB HELP plan tested); English-Language Broadcasts To North America; Short-Wave Listening (Broadcasting station news around the world); Foreign-Language Broadcasts To North America; Elapsed Time Indicator Keeps Track Of Stylus Wear; DX States Awards Presented Departments – Letters From Our Readers; Tips & Techniques; Reader Service Page; New Products; Electronics Library; New Literature; Operation Assist; Out Of Time; Index To Volume 25 (July-Dec., 1966)

Issue:  December 1966

Condition:  Very Good