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Popular Electronics Magazine 1963 April


Popular Electronics Magazine 1963 April


Contents:  South Vietnam’s 40-Megacycle Intercom (Can a CB-like transceiver turn the tide against the Communists in the vicious guerrilia war now being waged in Asian rice-paddies and jungles?) Electronic Construction Projects – Airline Evesdropper; Monitor Your Code; Simple Superhet For 6; Build The MPX (Part 1); 50-100 Watt Dummy Load Audio And High Fidelity – Hi-Fi Showcase; Another Ceramic Tile Enclosure; Buyer’s Guide For Portable Tape Recorders; Hi-Fi Lab Check: Heathkit AA-21 Transistorized Stereo Amplifier; Knight-Kit KG-12 Mutiplex Adapter Amateur, CB And SWL – Satellites On The Air; Short-Wave Broadcast Predictions; Short-Wave Report: DX’ers Of The Month; Equipment Report: Hammarlund Introduces 23-Channel CB; On The Citizen’s Band; DX Awards; Across The Ham Bands: Facts And Figures On Transmission Line Losses Electronic Features And New Developments – Carla’s Computer; Energy Conversion Quiz; Extra Fingers – Extra Hands; Transistor Topics; Slow Motion For Quick Action (A Carl and Jerry Adventure) Departments – Letter Tray; Out Of Tune; POP’tronics Bookshelf; New Products; Tips And Techniques; Coming Next Month

Issue:  April 1963

Condition:  Very Good