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Popular Electronics Magazine 1962 October


Popular Electronics Magazine 1962 October


Contents:  Special Construction Feature – The 14-83 (Those new UHF TV channels will roll in as nice as you please on your present TV set, once you’ve hooked up this one-transistor converter) Electronic Construction Projects – Mello Monster; 2-Tube, 2-Meter Superregen; “Shortened” Vertical Antenna; Nite Light Dimming Audio And High Fidelity – Skeptic Squashing (Or taping off the air); Hi-Fi Lab Check: EICO MX99 Multiplex Autodapter; Scott LT-110 FM Tuner); Build The Stereo-Com Amateur, CB And SWL – Satellites On The Air; Equipment Report: Vocaline Commaire PT-27); On The Citizens Band; Across The Ham Bands: Latest Ham News From Washington; Short-Wave Report: DX-Alliansen; SWL/QSL Bureau Electronic Features And New Developments – News Scope; Bionics – A Weird World; Speakers Go Color-Coded; A Ham In The Making; Crossword Puzzle; Electronic Quizoo; Transistor Topics; The Difference Detector (A Carl and Jerry adventure) Departments – Letter Tray; Out Of Tune; Hi-Fi Showcase; New Products; POP’tronics Bookshelf; Tips And Techniques; Coming Next Month; Electronics Datebook

Issue:  October 1962

Condition:  Very Good