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Popular Electronics Magazine 1962 July


Popular Electronics Magazine 1962 July


Contents:  Special Construction Feature – Radiation Fallout Monitor Electronic Construction Projects – Smoother Shaves With Smoother Current; The Fish Finder; Whistle Switch; Transformer For D.C.; Compactron Frequency Callibrator; Traveling? Take Your Shaver With You Audio And High Fidelity – Hi-Fi Showcase; Test Bench Squawk Box; Transistorized Tremolo; Slim-Line Speaker Kit Amateur, CB And SWL – FCC Report; One For The Road; Across The Ham Bands: SWL “Souvenir Hunters” And QSL Cards; On The Citizens Band; CB Sam Was Careful; Short-Wave Report: POP’tronics “Mailbag”; Short-Wave Monitor Certificate Application Electronic Features And New Developments – News Scope; Tech-Lyte Kit; First Aid For Printed Circuits; All About Conar TV Kit (Cover Story); Transistor Topics; Hobnobbing With Harbaugh: I Was Just Looking; Electronic Coupling Quiz; Third Eye For Space Explorers; The River Sniffer (A Carl and Jerry adventure) Departments – Coming Next Month; POP’tronics Bookshelf; Letter Tray; New Products; Tips And Techniques; Electronics Datebook

Issue:  July 1962

Condition:  Very Good