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Popular Electronics Magazine 1961 December


Popular Electronics Magazine 1961 December


Contents:  Ultrasonics – Successes Of Silent Sound Electronic Construction Projects – The Roof Hopper; Electronic Machine Gun; The Whirly-Gig; Simple, Stable VFO Audio And High Fidelity – Hi-Fi Showcase; Turntable Kits Grow Up – Big!; The Audio Pack; Bigger Bass From Broadcast Sets Electronic Features And New Developments – Best Buys In EL-ED Kits; Hobnobbing With Harbaugh: Key Clicks And Mike Splatter; Introduction To Analog Computers; Voltage Quiz; Transistor Topics; Carl And Jerry: The Bell Bull Session Amateur, CB And SWL – SWL/QSL Bureau; On The Citizens Band; Across The Ham Bands: How To Develop C.W. Operating Skill; BBS – Black Box Skill; Short-Wave Report: DX’ing The VOA Amateur Radio Program; Short-Wave Monitor: Certificate Application Departments – POPtronics News Scope; Letters From Our Readers; Tips And Techniques; Coming Next Month; New Products; POPtronics Bookshelf; Index To Volume 15 (July-Dec. 1961)

Issue:  December 1961

Condition:  Very Good