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Popular Electronics Magazine 1956 October


Popular Electronics Magazine 1956 October


Contents:  Audio And Hi-Fi Features – How To Demonstrate Your Hi-Fi; How To Buy Your Hi-Fi Tuner; Mum That Hum; Hi Tide In The Tweeter; Better Bass In Less Space; Sound Impressions ELECTRONIC Build-It-Yourself Projects – How To Build A Dry Battery Rejuvenator; Lucky 15 – A Preselector For 21 Mc; Transtopic Experiment No. 11 – High-Gain Regenerative Receiver; Build An All-Electric Hygrometer; Universal Tester Uses “Magic Eye”; Adapting NC-300 To Receive WWV On 10 Mc FEATURE Articles And NEWS Of Electronic Developments – Back-Set Flying; “Check Tube” Simplifies Servicing Of TV Receivers; Radio In Helmet; 80-Foot Tube?; TV In The Tall Timber; Electronic Eye For Blind PBX Operators; TV Cameras Probe Watery Depths; New “Maggie”; Seismographs Adapted To Track Hurricanes; Stratospheric TV On Film; TV Helps Make Jets; The Comeback Trail For Long-Wave DX; First Kit-Type Tone Arm; Remote Speaker Adds Space Effect; Magnetic Detectives; Runway Profiles; Tape Aids Radio Broadcasts; Transistorized Intercom; ITV “Sees” For Steel Industry; One-Inch Memory; Push-Button Shopping; Surveying By Radio

Issue:  October 1956

Condition:  Very Good