Pontiac LeMans Ad 1964


Pontiac LeMans Ad from April 21, 1964 Look magazine & March 27, 1964 Life magazine.

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Pontiac LeMans Ad 1964Pontiac LeMans – Full color 10″ x 13″ ad that talks about how this car has Something for Everyone. First there is a picture of a Light Blue Le Mans parallel-parked on a busy street with plenty of room between it and the parking meter with a caption asking “Is this your kind of profile?”. Then there is a picture of a Dark-Blue Le Mans flying through traffic and passing a school bus as the caption asks “Your kind of performance?”. Next we have a picture peeking into the back seat of a Le Mans and seeing a little girl peacefully sleeping away with the caption asking “Your kind of comfort?”. Then we have a picture showing the rear-end of a Light-Colored Le Mans Convertible parked in front of a grocery store whose windows are filled with hand-made posters indicating sales while a lady prepares to get into the driver’s seat with a single bag of what she has carefully bought and the caption asks “Your kind of price?”. At the bottom of the ad is a picture from the side of a White Le Mans Convertible and the caption asks “Then how can you live without this kind of car? Wide-Track Pontiac Le Mans. It urges you to, unless you are a bear for punishment, “hurry on down to your Pontiac dealer’s and look at a whole lot of Pontiacs all at once”.

Source:  April 21, 1964 Look magazine & March 27, 1964 Life magazine.