Ponds Ad 1939


Ponds Ad from January 1939 Redbook.

1 in stock


Ponds Ad 1939Black and white 7 1/2″ x 11″ ad for their Cold Cream. A series of small pictures along the top of the ad show a young woman and four different men either talking on the phone or waiting anxiously as the headline states that “Life’s a Whirl!”. Another headline in this ad claims that “Today’s Debs take EXTRA SKIN CARE – They cream EXTRA “SKIN-VITAMIN” into their Skin”. Another series of small pictures show different ladies at fancy locations – we see “In New York’s Fashionable Stork Club – Brenda Frazier, a “Benefit opens Chicago’s opera Season – Tita Johnson, a “White Week End – Boston Debs” and we go to “Washington – Evalyn McLean. Another picture shows a date book where one woman who uses Pond’s Cold Cream has to juggle “four parties in one evening” and the text talks about Vitamin A which is the Skin-Vitamin.

Source:  January 1939 Redbook.