Phillips 66 Ad June 1965


Phillips 66 Ad from June 11, 1965 Life magazine.

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Phillips 66 Ad June 1965Full color 9 1/2″ x 13 1/2″ ad that brings you Phillips 66 Gasoline, where the headline assures you of getting “First-Class Service”. In the foreground of the picture is a smiling man holding up his Phillips 66 Credit Card while in the background are ready-to-serve station attendants and employees of the Quality Courts Motels. The service station attendants are surrounded by products such as oil, batteries, gas pumps and other chemicals while the Quality Courts employees include the housekeeping staff and a man carrying a tray of food. The caption says “Example: With a Phillips 66 credit card you can drive-now-pay-later, and say ‘charge it’ at over 500 Quality Courts Motels!”. The text mentions making major purchases and being allowed to “take up to six months to pay” and that their service and products have “made Phillips famous in 47 states”.

Source:  June 11, 1965 Life magazine.