Philip Morris Ad 1954


Philip Morris Ad from February 22, 1954 Life magazine.

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Philip Morris Ad 1954Full color 10″ x 13 1/2″ ad for the Scientific Discovery that is built into both the King-Size and Regular cigarettes made and sold by Philip Morris. There is a picture of an attractive lady with red hair staring intently into the camera while she holds a Phillip Morris in her gloved hand as the man behind her anxiously brings his lighter to her. The headline asserts that “No other cigarette gives you this assurance…this smoking pleasure” and the text continues by mentioning Di-GL which it claims “protects you from certain harsh irritants found in every other leading cigarette”. The footnote at the bottom of the ad says that Di-GL has always been used by Philip Morris.

Source:  February 22, 1954 Life magazine.