Pepsi Ad June 1966


Pepsi Ad from June 24, 1966 Life magazine.

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Pepsi Ad June 1966Full color 10″ x 14″ ad that shows a couple who seem to have just discovered what they really wanted, Pepsi. The picture shows a desert, giant dunes and sand after sand and, in the front of the picture, is a six-pack of Pepsi-Cola. Halfway through the picture we see a couple running, hand in hand, just one more valley to run through and they will be there. The ad text starts off with Mirage. It then says that “It disappears when the Pepsi generation makes the scene”. It then says Natural enough phenomenon. This is explained by claiming that “Ice-cold Pepsi drenches the driest thirsts under the sun”. It ends up by saying that Pepsi-Cola’s clean, bold taste is no illusion, either”.

Source:  June 24, 1966 Life magazine.