Pan American Ad 1967


Pan American Ad from April 14, 1967 Life magazine.

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Pan American Ad 1967Full color 10″ x 13 1/2″ ad that talks about more of the places you could fly with Pan Am Airline. The ad headline shouts out “Reign in Spain – Or any place else in Europe. We have just the ticket” over a picture of a very large Spanish castle surrounded by a very nice-looking area of woods and pretty flowers. The ad then says “To castles in Spain. Or chateaux on the Loire. Or quaint country inns in Britain. The fact is, Pan Am can promise you a royal welcome anywhere in Europe. And show you all of it. We fly straight through to 27 European cities. Twice as many as anyone else. And our Extra Cities Plan will let you see as many as 20 cities for the price of Rome. The place to start is with your Pan Am Travel Agent. Or us. Then fly off knowing you’ve chosen the best there is. It’s a good feeling. One might even say regal”. Makes you want to just hop on a plane!

Source:  April 14, 1967 Life magazine.