Pall Mall Ad 1947


Pall Mall Ad from August 4, 1947 Life magazine.

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Pall Mall Ad 1947Two color (red and white) 5 1/4″ x 14″ ad that is for the Pall Mall Famous Cigarettes. This ad has an opened pack of these cigarettes floating within a white cloud at the top of this ad. Beneath this the text starts out by saying “Of America’s leading cigarettes, Pall Mall – and only Pall Mall – is “Outstanding”!… For Pall Mall’s distinguished length is the outward sign of a basic superiority. “Distance lends enchantment” – and the greater distance Pall Mall travels the smoke…filters it through Pall Mall’s traditionally fine, mellow tobaccos…gives you outstanding smoothness…mellowness…mildness”. This ad ends up with their five-word phrase they were known for, “Outstanding – and they are mild!”.

Source:  August 4, 1947 Life magazine.