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Packard Ad 1945


Packard Ad from December 17, 1945 Life magazine.


Packard Ad 1945Packard Clipper – Full color 9 3/4″ x 13 3/4″ ad for the 1946 Packard Clipper, the car that is advertised as “America’s No. 1 Glamour Car!”. There is a drawing of a Blue 1946 Packard Clipper Four-Door parked in front of a railway station with no one in it and, the people standing there waiting, are all looking at the car as if it was gold. The ad tells us that “‘We wish we had a thousand of them’ a Packard dealer wired us. And we wish we could supply all the new 1946 Packard Clippers our dealers, and their customers, are clamoring for. Thanks for your enthusiasm Right now, all we can say to the thousands of loyal Packard friends, is this: We are doing our level best to accelerate production, and we shall continue to apportion available cars fairly among our dealers. Naturally, we, too, are eager for you to become the proud owner of this magnificent new car – for it’s The Greatest Packard Ever Built In the brilliant flash of its performance…and in every sweeping contour of its speed-stream styling…it’s far-and-away America’s No. 1 Glamour Car!. And the new skills developed by Packard master craftsmen in building high-precision combat engines for planes and PT boats, now bring you, in this great car, a mechanical excellence that is little short of perfection itself. A Car Worth Waiting For! So, if you have to wait a little while for your new 1946 Packard Clipper, we hope you’ll be patient. Here is a car worth waiting for, if there ever was one!.

Source:  December 17, 1945 Life magazine.