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Overland Ad 1925


Overland Ad from September 1925 Farm Journal.


Overland Ad 19251925 Overland Deluxe Sedan. Black and white 8″ x 11″ ad with a picture of a five-passenger sedan that has stopped on a country road so the father of the brood that is waiting in the car can buy some fresh corn. The ad gives a price of $695 for the Overland DeLuxe Sedan, $495 for the All-Steel Touring, $625 for the All-Steel Coupe and $645 for the Standard Sedan. The ad text calls it “a de-luxe Sedan…at Low Cost..and Quality through and through”“.finely finished..richly upholstered..comfortable..good looking”, mentions that it has a 27-horsepower engine, 10-inch brakes, a foot accelerator and that you can take “52 weeks to pay”.

Source:  September 1925 Farm Journal.