Outdoor Life Magazine 1983 December


Outdoor Life Magazine 1983 December

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Contents:  Black Death (The wounded bruin charged from the brush and gnashed my ankle, refusing to let go); Snowstorm Whitetails (Snow time is prime time for hunters it they know how deer change their ways when it snows); The Thaw (A December thaw brings magic to the grouse woods – magic that lasts all winter long); The Lure That Won’t Die (Blow that dust off your jigs. They’re the most effective lures in your tackle box); The Horn Hunters (How do these Adirondack hunters consistently take bucks. By thinking deer year-round); Christmas Gifts (Some new items and old favorites make ideal presents. Here are special selections by Outdoor Life‘s editors); Why You Miss A Duck (Some gunners miss for reasons they don’t even suspect. Diagnosis comes before cure); The Ultimate Elk Hunter (Ed Simons is an elk hunter with a capital H. In 29 seasons he has taken 28 elk); Stop ‘Em On The Run (Many hunters fire wildly at running deer and miss. Here’s how to drop your buck) Midwest Specials – Pike On Purpose (Big northern are more than just skin and bones. Try squeezing these through the hole); Winter Wildcats (Bobcats are masters of deception and can outsmart even the cagiest hounds or humans); Walleyes In The Deep Freeze (Lay down your shotgun and pick up your rod. December is big walleye time in North Dakota); Quail Away From The Crowds (There are coveys of quail galore in Missouri’s Scenic Riverway – late in the season); A Fairyland For Pheasants (More than 1.5 million pheasants were bagged in Kansas last season. This year looks even better); The Biggest Buckeye Bucks (Sick of taking spike horns? Here’s where Ohio hunters can take a big buck); Duck Finale (Waterfowl flights are at their peak late in the season in Indiana’s Southern Zone); Around Your Region (Poaching hotlines, Minnesota walleyes, South Dakota goats, Wisconsin Chinook record, and much more); Christmas Ice (These lakes freeze early and provide the best icefishing of the year – now) Departments – Editorial Trails (The news they see fit to print); What’s On Your Mind? (Buck fever); Taking Aim (Raping the rangelands); Boating (Gadgets go electronics); What’s New (Gear for sportsmen); Shooting (Why you miss a duck); Sport Vehicles (Tires to go off-road and on); Hunting Dogs (Work your dog with a whistle); The Last Laugh (On Christmas mourn) Reader Information – Dog And Kennel; Game Breeding; Where To Go; Classified

Issue:  December 1983

Condition:  Very Good