Outdoor Life Magazine 1982 November


Outdoor Life Magazine 1982 November

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Contents:  Treed By Wild Dogs (Five snarling dogs gathered below my tree stand – and wouldn’t let me come down); Energy vs. Wildlife (Energy exploration is threatening the habitat of many Western species. What’s being done?); Moment Of Terror (How will you react when facing one of the most dangerous animals on the continent?); Bobwhites: Getting Smarter ( A biologist gives tips on how you can outsmart this very educated bird); Lazy Man’s Grouse (Hunt grouse from a stand? Why not? Especially when I always get my bird); Bucks Of The Madness Moon (Buck deer lose much of their caution during the rut. Here’s how to take advantage of it); Yockanookany Squirrel Hunt (A world-championship competition for squirrel dogs? The dogs are unbelievable, too); The Eighth Buck (I thought I had missed yet another trophy buck, but I was in for a sad surprise); The Vigil (It’s not easy being on stand for hours. Here are ways to make the wait less tedious); The Secret Of A Sharp Knife (Sharpening a knife is really very simple if you know exactly how stone cuts into steel); Every Which Way But Out (A six-year study offers survival tips for those who get lost in the outdoors); Make A Turkey Call (With a film cannister, a rubber band and 10 minutes you can be talking turkey) Midwest Specials – Fencerow Pheasants (Some fencerows contain good pheasant cover. But do you really know how to hunt them?); Whitetails Plus Steelhead (A combination trip for big game and big fish is no dream in Michigan’s Manistee Forest); The Greatest Grouse Hunting (These three states offer large areas of excellent – and accessible – grouse areas); Outfox Squirrels (Camouflage, patience and an accurate .22 make an unbeatable matchup for fox squirrels); Farm-Country Bucks (The deer boom in farmland gives headaches to farmers and opportunities to hunters); Around Your Region (Big Wisconsin brookies, South Dakota doves increase anti-poaching plan and more); Late, Great Ducks (Finding open water is the key during the peak of the Kansas mallard population) Departments – Editorial Trails (Where he longed to be); What’s On Your Mind? (Time to wake up the giant); Starnes At Large (California vote on gun law); What’s New (Gear for sportsmen); Shooting (The waterfowler’s shotgun); Sports Medicine (Hunting after a heart attack); Fishing: Jerry Gibbs (Water temperatures and fish); Bowhunting (Answers to reader’s questions); Sport Vehicles (Chevy’s downsize Blazer); Hunting Dogs (World class cooner); The Last Laugh (Backseats I have known) Reader Information – Game Breeding; Dog & Kennel; Where To Go; Classified

Issue:  November 1982

Condition:  Very Good