Outdoor Life Magazine 1982 December


Outdoor Life Magazine 1982 December

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Contents:  Bear Raid (I was asleep in a tent when a Bear crashed in, bit my arm and tried to drag me out), Bowhunting Silhouettes! (Here’s a realistic target game in which hunting bows beat sophisticated archery gear), Plants Poison Grouse (Biologists are starting to think that during some years food poisons Grouse), How To Hunt Farm Bucks (Tips for taking Bucks that are bigger, healthier and fatter than those in the woods), They’re Selling Our Forests (The U.S. Government wants to sell 144 million acres of our land), Tackle Your Christmas List (This list of goodies can help you avoid getting yet another necktie this Christmas), The Big Goose Wise-Up (The honeymoon is over. The Geese are so wary that only the best decoy rigs work), Payoff At Pyramid (Pyramid anglers use strange techniques to catch the world’s largest Cutthroats), Up Your Cottontail Score (If rabbit hunters had the same efficiency as Pheasant hunters, we’d eat more hasenpfeffer), Horses I’d Rather Forget (I remember may of the hunting horses I’ve ridden – then there are some that I’d rather forget), Elk On Your Own (You don’t need a guide to take you to the Elk. We were successful on our own) Midwest Specials – Thumbs Up Hunting (When Michigan’s Pheasant habitat improved, Deer, Rabbit and Grouse prospered, too), The Ringneck Rerun (After a decade’s absence, both Pheasants and Pheasant hunters have returned to Iowa), Capital Lakes For Crappies (Madison icefishermen don’t venture far from home to catch loads of pound-size Crappies), Where Rabbits Run Rampant (Many Kansas hunters don’t bother with Cottontails, but the hunting is phenomenal), Around Your Region (State waterfowl stamps, record Nebraska Crappie, lifetime Kansas licenses, and more), The Lure Of Late Ducks (Plenty of Ducks are still out there, but not where you found them last month) Departments – Editorial Trails (Regaining Alaskan hunting lands), What’s On Your Mind? (Worth 1,000 words), Shooting (Too much gun?), What’s New (Gear for sportsmen), Sports Medicine (Vitamins that fight winter), Sport Vehicles (No trunk? Try a trailer), Bowhunting (Experts answer your questions), Starnes At Large (Victory for outdoorsmen), Boating (Answers to readers’ questions), Fishing (Tackle your Christmas list), Hunting Dogs (The blood trail), The Last Laugh (Visions of fish and game) Reader Information – Dog & Kennel, Game Breeding, Where To Go, Classified

Issue:  December 1982

Condition:  Very Good