Oui Magazine 1978 December


Oui Magazine 1978 December

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Contents:  Ann (Ass backwards), No Fool For A Client (Your pal in the pen), Open Me Last (A Christmas gift catalog for your stranger friends), Pro Football: The Thrill Is Gone (Why don’t football players light themselves on fire, eat glass and beat the shit out of each other like they need to? Plus – Conrad Dobler’s All-Flake NFL Team), Toni (Wait til you read her sex fantasy), A Conversation With Martin Mull (A laugh track installed in your brain), Going Down On The Slopes (It’s all downhill from here), Different Slopes For Different Folks (Denim to cable-knit), Threesomes (It takes three to tango these days, but how does a regular guy like you get involved in a three-way act of congress? Congressman Irving shows you each step), Lodi (Fresh air fiend), The Filth On The Wineroom Floor (Brown journalism), Inside The Rams Cheerleaders (The gridirons new lure: tits), Signs Of The Times (Captioned news for the literacy impaired), Blonde On Blonde (When these gorgeous girls aren’t making records – their last one was written by the Bee Gees – they’re making each other. And we have the photographic proof) Departments – Mail (Postal cervix), Openers (Taiwanese breast reading), Sex Tapes (Oral sex), Film (Sleazy tie-ins), Print (Oswald aiming at Jackie), Music (Direct-to-disc records), TV (A scar is born), Money (Insurance tip), Who (Floating nude), Closers (Two wild & crazy thighs)

Issue:  December 1978

Condition:  Very Good