Oui Magazine 1975 July


Oui Magazine 1975 July

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Contents:  Mail, Openers, Sex Tapes, Revue, Satellite, Passionately Paula (She llikes older men), Empty Echoes From The Age Of Aquarius (As we slouched into our 20s, nirvana slipped away), Rolling On (Summer fashions jam the derby. Joan Weston, watch out!), Building A Bigger Bust (Cup size sometimes corresponds to grade point average. But what’s lost in a mouthful is still fun to fiddle with), Diana: A Self-Portrait (The canvas she’s rodking on is the painting called herself), Conversation With John C. Holmes (In which the world’s best-hung porn star explains teh joys of living among Lilliputians), Remedial Tennis (Spiro Agnew should have read this. A complete guide for athletes who only know how to take a shower), How Europeans Stole Our Jazz (First they took us to the cleaners with the Marshall Plan. Now this), The World’s Sexiest Beach (Sure, you can run around bare-assed anywhere, but it’s more fun to drop trou in St. Tropez among people who speak another language), Brothels Of The World (An unhurried look at the business of pleasure. When in India, ask for the Rampur Room), The Odessa File Reopened (The man who won’t let sleeping Nazi dogs lie), Love Sounds (Ever wonder what foreigners say when they’re about to explode? These are real nocturnal emissions)

Issue:  July 1975

Condition:  Very Good