Oldsmobile Ad 1937


Oldsmobile Ad from February 1937 Town & Country.

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Oldsmobile Ad 1937Oldsmobile Eight – Full color 9″ x 13 1/2″ ad for The Car that has Everything. There is a drawing of three men who are sitting on the patio of a golf course having drinks when their attention is drawn to a friend of theirs who has pulled up and stopped in a 4-Door Sedan which was selling for $890. This car is so big and long that it has eliminated the view of the course from the men on the patio and the headline has another man saying that “If it were Custom-Built it couldn’t suit me better”. The text talks about the smooth action of the 110-horsepower engine along with the Riding Qualities designed into this car and the Luxuriously Appointed body from Fisher. It mentions that the list prices started at $785 and mentions several standard accessories while mentioning that there were additional accessories that you could consider.

Source:  February 1937 Town & Country.