Oldsmobile 98 Ad November 1962


Oldsmobile 98 Ad from November 1962 Holiday.

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Oldsmobile 98 Ad November 1962Ninety-Eight LS – Full color 9 3/4″ x 13 1/2″ ad for The Car That Spells “Luxury” with Capital Letters. This ad, a larger version of another on this page, shows a dark night where a Dark-Colored Olds 98 Four-Door is parked outside of a large building with stone columns two stories high. A couple in formal-wear are standing together between two of the columns as they talk in the presence of the Oldsmobile. The text explains that 1963 is the debut year for the Ninety-Eight LS and mentions how it “takes its place with the most luxurious automobiles on the road today”.

Source:  November 1962 Holiday.