Old Charter Bourbon Whiskey Ad 1969


Old Charter Bourbon Whiskey Ad from January 1969 Playboy.

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Old Charter Bourbon Whiskey Ad 1969Full color 8″ x 11″ ad for Old Charter Bourbon as it says that Old Charter’s too good-looking to send. Bring it”. Pictured in the ad is a square-shaped bottle with a clock on the label standing in a reflective background. The ad text says to “Bring the Old Charter Bourbon with you in its elegant Award decanter (gift-wrapped at no extra cost) and maybe it will be opened on the spot for a thank-you toast. Good way to enjoy the gift you give – Old Charter. Kentucky’s Finest Bourbon”. Underneath this it has the saying; “Tick-Tock Tick-Tock The Bourbon that didn’t watch the clock for seven long years”.

Source:  January 1969 Playboy.