Occidental Life of California Ad 1966


Occidental Life of California Ad from August 19, 1966 Life magazine.

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Occidental Life of California Ad 1966Black and white 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad for what they consider to be almost the best policies available. There is a picture of a man standing in his boxer shorts holding an armful of army equipment including a rifle and the headline says that “There’s one way to get a better insurance deal than ours.” The text begins by talking about what Uncle Sam offers and at what price and admits that it is unbeatable because the government is footing part of the bill. It then talks about what is available for civilians and claims that Occidental Life of California has the best deal for them. It gives an example concerning a 32 year old man, reminds us that they have been selling insurance since 1931 and that they are the 9th largest life insurance company in the country.

Source:  August 19, 1966 Life magazine.