Novo Ad 1931


Novo Ad from May 1931 The American Home.

1 in stock


Novo Ad 1931Black and white 4″ x 5 1/2″ ad for their Unbreakable Lawn Mower. The headline asks you to “Think of it! a Lifetime Lawn Mower!” and the text talks about how this hand mower was dropped from an airplane, fell 1072 feet to the ground and there was “Not a part broken”. The text talks about the quality of the parts used in this mower and there is a picture of the mower embedded somewhat into the ground from the drop. With the amount of ground that was disturbed from the fall I have to assume that this “push” lawn mower weighed only slightly less than a Buick and I would not relish the thought of a hot summer day moving this creature around the yard.

Source:  May 1931 The American Home.