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North America’s Monster Bucks Magazine 1996 Winter


North America’s Monster Bucks Magazine 1996 Winter


Contents:  The Super Gene (Find out how much impact the gene pool has on your herd); Five Sure Bets For Monster Gun Bucks (If a monster is what you want, here are the five states to hunt in); Whitetails, Western Style (As the man said, “Go West, Young Man”…for big whitetails); Sweet Talk The Big Boys (Are you talking politely to your bucks? You ought to be); Wanted: Trophy Hunters (Listed here are the top trophy lodges in the country!); Mississippi’s Monster Buck (210-point, non-typical bruiser – here’s the complete story); Public-Land Trophies (How to beat the “crowds”); Where To Book A Booner (All the info you’ll need to book a mule-deer trip of a lifetime); Postgraduate Whitetails (It’s time to earn your graduate degree in whitetailing); Dixie’s Dynamite Deer Hunting (Big-buck production is booming below the Mason-Dixon!); ’95 North Country Outlook (“Sign of the times” for the Upper Midwest hunting this year); Monster Ducks Of The Middle States (Hot prospects are coming out of this region – check it out); ’95 Canadian Whitetail Roundup (Can the Great White North keep its pace much longer?); Bucks Of The Midwest & Points West (Does the “Breadbasket” have staying power for producing giants?); New Products For Buck Hunters (Innovative new products that caught our eye); Trophy-Bucks ‘R Us (Why letting bucks “walk” isn’t the only way to manage your herd); Getting Pushy With Blackpowder Bucks (Here’s a new twist on whitetailing with muzzleloaders)

Issue:  Winter 1996

Condition:  Very Good