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New York Life Insurance Company Ad 1969


New York Life Insurance Company Ad from October 3, 1969 Life magazine.


New York Life Insurance Company Ad 1969Three color 9 3/4″ x 13 3/4″ ad that is for the New York Life Insurance Company. This ad asks a good question, “Why buy life insurance from just any Agent? Look for one of the best.” This ad has a picture that says it all, a First Place-style badge that is made out to New York Life. The text then says “A New York Life Agent. There are a number of reasons why he’s special. First off, he’s carefully selected, thoroughly trained. Backed by a company with 125 years experience. Another reason the New York Life Agent stands out from the crowd: Life insurance is his career. And he devotes all his working hours to it. And when it comes to professional awards, our Agents win their share. And then some. In fact, we have more members of the prestigious Million Dollar Round Table and the Women Leaders Round Table (industry-wide groups of top agents) than any other company. Now that you know something about their blue-ribbon qualifications, why not put one of our New York Life Agents to work for you”.

Source:  October 3, 1969 Life magazine.