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Nash Ad 1952


Nash Ad from 1952 Sports Afield Fishing Annual.


Nash Ad 1952Nash Automobiles – Black and white 9 1/2″ x 13″ ad that is one of the series done by Ed Zern. The ad headline brags that an Airflyte owner makes record Opening Day Catch!!!!” and the ad tells the story. A man, generously called the World’s Worst Trout Fisherman, had all the fishing equipment he would need but he never caught a trout. To change his luck he bought a 1952 Nash Airflyte and on Opening Day his luck did change. He caught Trout after Trout, releasing them all, when finally the Kindly Old Game Warden ambled by and complemented him on his luck. The fisherman said that he had to attribute it to his Airflyte at which point they began to compare the fisherman’s Airflyte with the Game Warden’s Statesman Airflyte. After comparing the selling points of both cars the Game Warden happened to mention that the good luck the man was having may have something to do with the fact he was fishing in a State Hatchery. The man left, never to fish again, trading everything in but his Airflyte for a Hawaiian Guitar. This ad is larger than my scanner bed so the outer edges of the ad will not be visible in the scanned view.

Source:  1952 Sports Afield Fishing Annual.