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Nash Ad 1939 December


Nash Ad from December 18, 1939 Life magazine.


Nash Ad 1939 DecemberNash – 9 1/2″ x 12 1/2″ ad that is for the 1940 Nash Automobiles. The pictures are all about Nash’s driving through snow-covered surroundings and the headline says “Goodbye, Mr. Winter”. It says to “Pick out a day when a roaring Noreaster has sent the last lone driver scuttling back home with frozen fingers. Then see if it’s true what Nash owners say! That there isn’t any winter any more. Out of the storm and up to your door will skim a car as sleek as the wind it cleaves, so gay its dancing wheels hardly touch the snow. You all pile in, from Granny down to the two-year-old…into seats as soft and deep as gossamer clouds. Then someone touches a magic dial – and presto! It’s May. Fresh warm air that lets you shed coats down to your shirt sleeves…that brings back a springtime zest to go places. It’s Nash Weather Eye magic – and lo, it’s fully automatic. Your comfort always stays the same. Toe the throttle – and you feel a terrific surge of power whisk the city away. Then, a Fourth Speed Forward cuts in – and the countryside comes winging up. Suddenly a snowbound straggler blocks the way, but you zoom by with the reserve pick-up of the automatic Overtake. Outside the storm rolls on. But you can’t feel its icy fingers…or hear the whine of the wind…or notice the frozen ruts below. You sail along as smooth and silent as Arrow-flight. Soon you’ll find it – that secluded pond where singing skates make gay music in the frozen air. Let the rest of the world sit chattering by the radiator…let the almanac say snow – here in your Nash you know for a fact it’s Goodbye Mr. Winter – for good. Why keep on “hibernating” half of every year…when many Nash models are priced next to the lowest. Get in a Nash today and collect on year ’round fun”. There are three pictures with items of interest. There is a Red Nash coming to a ski lodge and the ad says that it has Terrific Pick-up and power. From 15 to 50 MPH in less than 13 seconds, high gear – with the big Nash engine that delivers small car economy. New Fourth Speed Forward saves you up to 20% more on gasoline”. The second picture shows a snow-covered roadway being driven on by a Blue NashThrough A Blizzard in summer comfort, you ride coatless in Weather Eye conditioned air warmth. Flash starting, even on coldest mornings, with Nash‘s exclusive manifold-sealed engine”. The last picture shows a Blue Nash driving away through the darkness, Safe At Night, Sealed Beam lights give glareless brilliance, 50% more power. Remember: Nash long life assures higher resale value. Dealers everywhere (over 1800) are ready to serve you”.

Source:  December 18, 1939 Life magazine.