Muscle & Fitness Magazine 2004 June


Muscle & Fitness Magazine 2004 June

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Contents:  Cover Stories – Monster Mash III (Five freaks of nature reveal their secrets to superhuman strength); Just Eat It! (Let us eliminate the guesswork – here’s exactly what to eat every day for a week); 7 (More) Great Exercises You’ve Never Heard Of (Supercharge your muscle growth with these seven undiscovered exercises) Bonus Section – Grow With The Flow (The key to building a bigger body is creating a better workout. Here’s the second half of M&F‘s guide to making the most of your gym time) Fat-Burning Superfeature – Nuke 1,000 Calories (Kiss your bodyfat goodbye. You can burn 1,000 – yes, 1,000 – calories in one supercharged cardio and weight-training workout); Drop Fat Fast (Readers asked, and we responded. Here are expert answers to common – and not so common – fat-loss questions) Training & Fitness – All Abs All The Time (For former amateur bodybuilder Sagi Kalev, maintaining model-perfect abs is a full-time job); Jack Up Your Back (Pull out all the steps on your way to getting a wide, thick back with new IFBB sensation Troy Alves’ high-powered workout); Set It Off (Blast your muscles with a technique that allows you to keep going and going long after a normal set would end); Two Days With Timea (Burn fat, build muscle and speed up your results with Timea Majorova’s two-day full-body program) Nutrition And Supplements – Joint Relief (Sore from training? These nine supplements may be the soothing tonic your joints need); 1-Pan Menu Math (Even a guy can do it. Here’s how to make a quick and easy meal that’s high in protein and low on mess) Features – Great Escapes (Get your muscles swelling with these nine kick-ass fitness vacations); A-Rod (Alex Rodriguez, the best player in baseball, lifts his game with intense weight training); Hot Rod (Check out who A-Rod gets to go home to every night) Arnold Fitness Weekend 2004 – Cutting It Close (Cutler wins. Cormier winces); Fitness Free-For-All (Who replaced Curry atop the world of Fitness?); Amber Alert (The stumble heard ’round the world); All Eyes On Iris (Kyle finally got her due) Featured Departments – Training Notebook (Page 1 – Workout: Four moves to quadruple the size of your quads; One-Minute Lesson: When benching, choose your grip width carefully; Pullout: Standing rear-delt cable flye; Target training: How to hit the middle traps; Power & Strength: Training your lower legs can boost your squat; Form vs. Fiction: What’s the best way to do dumbell rows; Get It Right: Try doing cable shrugs lying down; Training Table (Cook Smart: Fat-fighting foods, Recipe Doctor: Competitor’s Chicken Parmesan; Muscle Fare: Spicy sloppy joes); Nutrition Rx (Case Study: How can a hardgainer with a small appetite eat big?; Nutrition Journal: When you can’t stomach milk) Columns, Etc. – Perspective; Feedback/Success Stories; Editorial; Big Time; Hotline; The Edge; Just For Women; Ask Arnold; Supplement Roundup; The Marketplace; Next Month

Issue:  June 2004

Condition:  Very Good