MotorCycle Magazine 1985


MotorCycle Magazine 1985

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Contents:  Foreword: Why We’re Here (Okay, so MotorCycle may be an unfamiliar sight. But motorcycle magazines, like motorcycles, have reasons for being; here’s who we are and why we’re here); Sizzling V’s (What displaces 5.3 liters and can blind you with a dazzling, chromium glare at ten paces? Easy – in a troupe of Vee Cruisers from the Big Five. Here’s the test); Cruiser Evolution And The New Wave (Rolling Tough, Part Two. Question: “When is a cruiser not a cruiser?” Answer: When it’s a performance cruiser, like the Kawasaki Eliminator or Yamaha V-Max); Engineering And Technology Primer (Every decade has a search: In the ’60s and ’70s it was peace and self, while the 1980s explores technology. Now you can techno-cope with the terminology); Selecting A New Motorcycle (We know who you are and what you’re thinking; you want a new motorcycle, but how can you choose? You need a point-by-point program, and this is it); The After Market (Whether your bike is ten years old, brand new or as yet unknown, you’re aware that a bike and a rider without extras are in need. These accessories will help); 1985 Motorcycles (This is your guide to sport, standard, custom and touring motorcycles, from pedestrian to illuminating, bashful to brawny. The untold story, group by group); Specifications (Bore, stroke, prices and pounds – charting the 1985 street-bike details for sport-bike riders, tread kickers, dollar counters and curb weight watchers); Getting In Cheap (Does Mr. Debt live with you? Don’t tell him, but here are a number of purchase alternatives open to the cost-conscious new bike buyer. Yes, there are some deals); Ticket To Solitude (Naturally, it’s travel time; MotorCycle dials in six best bets for touring National Parks from Washington to Florida, in scenery made for motorcyclists); 1985 Motorcycle Events (America, rumor suggests, is a large place – and each summer, in every corner, something happens you should attend. Here’s a roster of important affairs)

Issue:  1985

Condition:  Very Good