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Motor Trend Magazine 1963 August


Motor Trend Magazine 1963 August


Contents:  Factory Show Cars (Specials that might speed up the future); Avantis, A Pair (A cool and a hot one put through the paces); Crystal-Balling The ’64s (Styling trends to come in the new year); VW 1500 & 1200 Road Test (Two of Wolfsburg’s finest appraised); You Belt Your Life! (Buckle that belt and live a little); Comet S-22 V-8 (Road test of the 260-inch compact); Bigger Engines For Compacts (More will be going to V-8s for ’64); Dodge Polara 500 (Testing a stormer with four-speed); Signs Of Our Times (Coming standardization of road signs); Indianapolis 500 (Clash of giants at the old Brickyard); Imperial Road Test (LeBaron luxury from Chrysler Corp.); Automotive Milestones (The riding mechanic at Indy); Hitch & Go (More efficiency for trailer towers); Charlotte World 600 (Another first for Freddie Lorenazen) Departments – Spotlight On Detroit; Editor’s Auto-Graphs; Letters; New Products; European Report; Classic Comments; Car Clinic; Stock Talk

Issue:  August 1963

Condition:  Very Good