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Motor Trend Magazine 1962 November


Motor Trend Magazine 1962 November


Contents:  Huge 130-Page Issue – The Editor’s Auto-Graphs (Salute to A.M.A.; The Racing Ban; Car of the Year); An Album Of Nameplates (Short histories of U.S. automotive manufacturers); Men Behind The Nameplates (Biographies, photos of industry’s major figures); Steel (Research, development and future uses of steel); 1963 Specifications (Latest, most complete rundown on all U.S. cars); A Preview Of ’63 Cars (First views, photos, technical advances, reports); American; Avanti; Buick; Cadillac; Checker; Chevy II; Chevrolet; Chrysler; Comet; Corvair; Corvette; Dart; Dodge; F-85; Fairlane; Falcon; Galaxie; Hawk; Imperial; Lark; Lincoln; Meteor; Monterey; Oldsmobile; Plymouth; Pontiac; Rambler; Riviera; Special; Tempest; Thunderbird; Valiant; Aluminum (It’s advantages, advances and uses in automobiles); Fiberglass (Why popularity is up among auto manufacturers); Automobile Insurance (What you should know about coverage and prices); Financing: Bane Or Blessing (An expert tells how to save time, money, trouble); Tabletop Turnpike (Steering controls pit father against his offspring); Car Clinic (Spencer clears up automotive maladies and foibles)

Issue:  November 1962

Condition:  Very Good