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Motor Trend Magazine 1959 June


Motor Trend Magazine 1959 June


Contents:  Letters From Our Readers; Driving Around With The Editor; Detroit News And Views; Simca Vedette Driving Impressions; Overseas News Reports; Triumph Herald Driving Impressions; Daimler Dart And Maserati 3500; Rumors – True And False; Tire Testing At 190 MPH! (How Firestone tests their tires on Daytona’s new high-speed track); Oldsmobile Super 88 Road Test (Bigger, heavier and slower despite more horsepower); Chrysler Windsor Road Test (Performance, mileage and handling are tops); 415-HP Blown Corvette (A Latham supercharger makes it a real performer); Indy Design For ’59 (Will new theories of builders result in a 60-second lap?); Is The Diesel The Coming Economy Car? (Mercedes 190-D gives 41 mpg on a 5122-mile test run); Testing The 160-MPH Bocar (Corvette-engined fiberglass sportscar is a real screamer); Project Ideas: Custom Car Contest (Announcing the first winner in this monthly competition); Silver-Satin Sleekster (Dean Jeffries rebuilds his Porsche into a “customized custom”); New Theme…Old Variations (Brooks Stevens introduces his Scimitar at Geneva Auto Show); Getting More Go: Multiple Carburetion (What a few more carburetors can do for you); New Morris Oxford And Riley 4/68; Use Tests Of New Products: Fenton, Goerlich Super G and Mercer mufflers. Review of previously tested and approved products); Mobilgas Economy Run Winners; Shopping For You And Your Car; Sell ‘n’ Swap; Berkeley Sport Has New Look

Issue:  June 1959

Condition:  Very Good