Motor Life Magazine 1954 May


Motor Life Magazine 1954 May

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Contents:  Test Reports – New V-8 Mercury (Latest checks on handling and performance.), Ford’s Modern Six (Don’t be misled by the economy tag.) Features – Transplanting Horsepower (What you should know about engine conversions.), Mount For V-8 Conversion (A practical solution for a knotty problem.), Straight Six Stripper (A clean, eye-catching GMC record holder.), America’s Best Custom Car? (Reader votes select the top car for 1953.), Ford’s “Personal” Car (Thunderbird sports car headed for the streets.), First Step To Improve Performance (Answering the demand for power increase.), How to Install High-Compression Heads (It’s easy, but you have to do it right.), More Drive From Overdrive (How to get the most out of this unit.), Blow Off The Heat! (Making an inexpensive air scoop for cooling.), Install Your Own Continental Kit (How you can save yourself some money.), 144 MPH in the Quarter-Mile (Mercury cracks the acceleration record at the drags.), Neither Dream Nor Reality (Mercury trots out a new potential in its XM-800.), Inside Ford’s Secret Styling Room (A cameraman gets behind the closed doors.), New U.S. Economy Car (Nash puts the NX-1 on the production lines.), Skylark Becomes $10,000 Custom (Right from the showroom to the restyling shop.), What About Fiberglas? (Clearing up some misconceptions.) Departments – The Current Issue, Correspondence, Deadline Data, Technical Tips, Buyer’s Directory, Restyling by Readers, New Products

Issue:  May 1954

Condition:  Very Good