Motion Picture And Television Magazine 1952 March


Motion Picture And Television Magazine 1952 March

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Contents:  Overheard In Hollywood (Ingrid Bergman planning TV debut); The Day He Proposed (Gene Nelson wasn’t very romantic); Home Town Report On Audie Murphy (An unforgettable story); I’m Not An Average Teenager (An answer to her critics); “Good Advice Almost Ruined Me” (Now Dale Robertson makes up his own mind); Romances Hollywood Frowns On (Some of the twosomes will surprise you); Junie Plays It Dumb, But (Miss Allyson is really a smartie); His Muscles Are Real (Talking about he-man Burt Lancaster); That Gaynor Girl – WOW! (Mitzie, the bouncing pixie); The Secret Life Of Monty Clift (He’s two men – and one’s a ghost); Has Janie Hit The Danger Point? (Friends are worried about Jane Powell); If You Really Knew Me, You’d Hate Me! (Kirk makes a startling admission); Is Rita Still Acting The Princess? (The lowdown on la Hayworth today); A Frenchman Looks At Love (Louis Jourdan‘s technique); Platinum Angel (That’s what Betty Grable is to me); TV Topics (Backstage bedlam – Martin & Lewis); Who Got The Oscar (Test your memory quiz) Departments – Picture Parade (Reviews); Motion Picture’s Bulletin Board; Movie Of The Month – The Greatest Show On Earth; The Answer Man; Interesting Letters To The Ladies – For Femmes Only (Fashions); Starred For Spring (Fashions); Very Cold For June (Beauty); What’s New (Beauty)

Issue:  March 1952

Condition:  Very Good