Contents: Country Place – The 10 Best Places To Live In North America (The results of MOTHER’s first ever Community Survey are in, and the hundreds of you who responded commented not only upon your individual communities but also upon the state of the nation, the quality of our air, water and soil; and the content of our character. From the Maritimes to the Cascades, the best places to live the good life); Finding The Perfect Country Place (Let’s see if we can’t convince you that the major purchase in your life – a home and a little land – needn’t be nearly so expensive and constraining as the going price for a home and lot today in one of the “prime” areas. Here is what you won’t find in the books, what the real estate ads don’t tell you, and what brokers and lawyers don’t want you to know) Fall Harvest & Storage – Eating Fresh All Year Round (In part one of our harvest special section, Mort Mather looks back over the year’s of harvesting, storing, and reserving the bounty he and his wife, Barbara, have produced in their Maine garden. They pickle, can, freeze, and store their way to spring every year, and by planting late into the season, they eat fresh garden produce long until winter); Canning: A Modest Miracle (Deanna Kawatski learned the art of canning the hard way, a hundred miles deep inside the bush of British Columbia, where electric fridges were an amusingly distant idea. Deanna’s step-by-step guide to preserving fruits, vegetables, meat, fish, jams, and pickles takes the guesswork out of this revered but often misunderstood fall tradition) Do It Yourself – Labor-Saving Compost Bin (If you worked hard in the garden, why work hard making compost as well? Build an alternative bin that takes up less space in the garden and elimniates turning compost…so you throw your back out doing something else, like weeding); A Ladder That Levels The Field (Robert Williams wanted a ladder that would permit him to work on hillsides, on uneven terrain, and from both sides of the ladder. He couldn’t find one to buy, so he made one…for less than six dollars) MOTHER’s Natural Kitchen – Making A Meal Of Garden Greens (Summer garden greens are flavorful and nutritious hot or cold, expecially if you know what’s to put on ’em. You’ll never buy it bottled again once you’ve tried Anne Vassal’s easy and delicious homemade dressings) Regular Columns – News From MOTHER (Thoreau’s dream made modern); Dear MOTHER (Readers sound off on the optimal remote phone); Country Lore (How to make newspaper holders, baby powder, solar cones, and more); Bits & Pieces (The perils of genetically engineered produce); Money Matters (Roy Green gives us the bad and worse news about your credit rating); MOTHER’s Mechanic (Jon Gail Blair gets under your hood); Home Remedies (Don’t blink those bloodshot eyes at us); Country Vet (Dr. Looney tells why horses suffer from ulcers and what you can do about it); Seasons (A rare sight – the harvest moon eclipses); Seed Swap (Why buy seeds?); Last Laugh (Ron Beathard is a connoisseur of shade trees)
Issue: September 1996
Condition: Very Good