Mother Earth News Magazine 1995 November


Mother Earth News Magazine 1995 November

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Contents:  1995 Woodburning Special – Pellet Stoves To The Rescue? (While it’s true that these specialized stoves, capable of burning fuels as diverse as reprocessed paper waste and feed corn, are expensive and occasionally clunky, they also represent, however, one of the best hopes for introducing clean burning, reliable. renewable energy to those now heating with gas and oil. Are they the answer for you?); Woodstove Update (Will Newt Gingrich’s reform movement manage to finally sweep away the EPA’s strangling regulations on the stove industry…and will we have created a monster in the process?); Reader’s Forum On Solid Fuels (Over the past year, we have been collecting your questions and comments about wood-heating innovations. Here are the best, including a unique plan for a fireplace/woodstove combination…with both running simultaneously) Garden & Yard – MOTHER’s Guide To Fall Planting In The Garden, Yard & Orchard (A collection of late-season seeding lore, including a dozen vegetables which over-winter beautifully without cold frames or clothes. And contrary to what you might imagine, the best time to plant your trees is right now); How To Make A Self-Watering Seed Starter (How would you like to simply plant your seeds in a homemade starter and forget about them? Well, if you have a few plastic tubs and some string, Beulah Hooper can put an end to your watering duties); Good Medicine For Old Apple Trees (One of the quickest and best ways to get in a fall crop of apples is to seek out a neglected tree and bring it back into productivity. The doctor is in) Backwoods Skills – Felling Trees Safely For A Lifetime (If you live in the country, sooner or later you’ll be faced with the problem of clearing trees from your land, and common sense too often evaporates as soon as the chain saw starts. Norman Johnson shares over four decades of logging experience in this primer on that most dangerous chore) Country Skills – The Millennium Rock House (Two wheelbarrows, one pickup truck, and 13 million pounds of rock was all it took to make Ray and Vern Swangkee’s dream home come true…and you won’t believe the results); Building Futures (After spending a lifetime learning to be independent, you might have decided that it’s time to lend a hand elsewhere. Here is a list of our favorite non-profit organizations of the year that would love to use your skills) MOTHER’s Natural Kitchen – Talking Turkey (Anne Vassal is sick and tired of the same old holiday bird, and isn’t going to take it anymore) Regular Columns – News From MOTHER (Wood pellets: a revolution in the making); Dear MOTHER (Readers from Australia, China, and the U.K. sound off); Country Lore (A turn-of-the-century mosquito trap works just as well today); Bits & Pieces (The lowdown on new techniques in tilling, composting, and water distilling); Country Vet (Andrea Looney debunks some conventional rumors on horse care); Energy & Environment (Once a national sensation, recycling is losing momentum. How to keep it going); Seasonal Almanac (Fred Schaff’s charts help you spot November’s unusual celestial configurations); Seed Swap; Shuswap Diary (Deanna Kawatski finally reclaims the wilderness home she lost years ago); Last Laugh (All the world’s a stage for Bill Chapin…unfortunately)

Issue:  November 1995

Condition:  Very Good