Mother Earth News Magazine 1987 May – June


Mother Earth News Magazine 1987 May – June

1 in stock


Contents:  Garden And Yard – The Kitchen Garden (Make mine ‘matters”); Market Gardening (Turning the soil, turning a profit); Deep Mulch (At last, a cover-up without guilt) Mother’s Kitchen – Fixing Fish Without Fear (Easy does it, and it’s easy) Country Skills – Taking On Livestock, Part II (Going ‘whole hog’, etc) Backcountry – The Nature Of Wildlife Photography (Shutter after buffalo); A Beginner’s Guide To Fishing (Don’t spare the rod) Home – The Esoteric Art Of Splitting Shingles (Getting the shakes) Workshop – Turn A Window Into A Door (A how-to saga, starring Dennis Burkholder) Environment – Life After Chernobyl (A year-long struggle on a Swedish farm) And More – Farm Aid Founder Willie Nelson (The old rebel’s keeping his eye on the money); An Automotive “Summerization” (Before you take your wheels afield); Listen To Your Mother (Radio daze) Regular Features – News From Mother (Tech talk); Dear Mother (Letters entertain you); Country Lore (Down-home wisdom from your fellow readers); Earth Diary (News from our nest); Seasons Of The Garden (The facts of foliar feeding); Bits & Pieces (A roundup of relevant news); Ask Our Experts (No-Cost consultations); Pet Concerns (Keep your pet from going to the dogs); Shop Short (All screwed up); Barters & Bootstraps (Home businesses and neighborly exchanges); Mom’s Marketplace (MOTHER’s choice); Classified; Access (Volumes of information); The Last Laugh (Gelt from the North Country

Issue:  May – June 1987

Condition:  Very Good